Friday, June 26, 2009

Thank you :)

i have a friend
h'e's really kind
I have a test for moving school at wednesday n thursday. he's the one who accompany me for 2 days. i like him. i feel totally comfort while i'm with him.
sorry to..
say,but it's forbid to love you.
thank you for waking me up at 4 a.m. to study
thank you for accompanying me study
than you for supporting me
thank you for calling me and your pulsa is zero now because of me.
thank you for encouraging me all the time
thank you for making me sure
thank you for coming to school to accompany me although only few minutes
thank you for your kindness
thank you for not sleeping to waking me up for study
thank you for listening to my problem which is very many
thank you for making me comfort beside you
thank you for all u've done to me
i really appreciate it.

dedicated to, you :)