Friday, August 21, 2009

don't you realize?

don't you realize?
it's harder everyday..
really. . i tell you the truth. this is what my heart says. it comes from my deepest heart.
it doesn't mean that i don't love you anymore.
I have try my best to be survive.
I always TRY to understand you well, although IT'S HARD.
don't you realize?
I close my heart for other boys. i don't pay much attention to them just because i'm in love with you ONLY. you're STILL the one.
Don't you realize?
In highschool, temptations are also hard to be ignored. It's time to have many friends as i can. and also in university, that's why i understand.
But, everything's reminding me of you. whan can i do?
don't you realize?

i TOTALLY understand you and I WILL LEARN to understand you MORE and MORE each day. Don't you realize?

i'm not fine. i'm in pain. don't you realize?
what if you were me? what will you do? will you just silent and do nothing?
what do you want?
just say it..

i love you

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


andrew. knapa di telp ga diangkat? kamu ga tw ya kalo aku cemas mikirin kamu. mikirin keadaan kamu gimana, kuliah kamu gimana, kamu sedang apa n hari ini ngapain aja.
seharian ga ada kabar. kamu berhasil bgd buat aku cemas.
tapi terserah kamu deh sekarang. aku udah capek lama"...
aku ga nuntut apa" kq dari kamu.. ga sedikitpun! cuma minta kamu kabarin aku n ga buat aku cemas. tapi klw kamu ga mw juga gpp kq.
aku bnr" ngerti bgd kuq awal" kuliah emang sibuk n kamu pasti capek tapi seneng. i totally understand you. temen" kamu jg gokil" n asik" kan n lebih kompak.
aku gpp klw kamu cuek n ga mikirin aku sm sperti aku mikirin kamu, tp yg penting kamu seneng.
itu aja dari aku, selebihnya terserah kamu.
gmn aku mw percaya juga sm kamu. cb kamu ada di posisi aku, apa yg akan kamu lakuin?
ohya, 1 lagi.. klw boleh jujur, kamu ga ada di saat aku butuh kamu bwt cerita.. malah org lain ada buat aku n temenin aku..
kira" mw di bawa kmana hub kita?

what if

what if i break you up?
what if i leave you alone?
what if i miss you?
what if i ignore you?
what if i'm not the one for you?
what if i'm gone?
what if i can't survive?
what if i totally care of you?
what if i'm not coming back?
what if i hurt you?
what if i love you?

havr you ever think about me?
have you ever try to make me happy?
have you ever miss me?
have you ever love me like i do?

don't you realize? when i miss you, i am hurting inside.
when i say i love you, it means i really do more than you could understand.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ga usah di baca ga penting

yauda lah
gw bener" kesel
sabar ren
apa sih
elahh gw mls banget
bosen tau ga sih gw harus ngapain sekarang?
tau ah gw bt
ga tw mw ngomong ap lagi
ga usah kesel" lah gw heppi kuk
lu percaya ga kalo gw lg hapy?
hapy apa coba
gw pgn marah tapi ga tau ma siapa
siapa yg salah? ga ada tau
gw cm lg pgn marah" aja
manusiawi kan?
Tuhan juga pernah marah n nangis kok
jadi gpp. huah
gw tau gw anak kecil
yaudah tau ah
tp banyak kq yg peduli ma gw
gw ga sendirian kuk
siapa yg ga pernah marah?
yauda sih blog gw jelek
uda ga usah di baca
ga penting juga kan
close aja kalo ga mau baca
terserah lu deh sesuka lu aja
yg jelas gw bangga jadi diri gw kuk
lu ada masalah? lu ga suka?
bukan urusan gw
ga tau lg ah gw
waktu terus berputar
hidup gw terlalu BAGUS kalo cm marah" doang
bodo ah
siapa elu siapa gw
gw ga peduli
males banget
terserah mw bilang gw apa
sesuka lu deh
uda ga usah baca lagi
gw pgn marah kesel emosi gw
uda ga usah deket" gw lagi
ga usah kasi harapan
buat apa sih
bikin sakit ati
gw masih bisa tertawa kq
boneka sih
bisa dimainin
ngaca dulu dong lu
lu pikir lu ganteng hah?
tau ah.
masalah gw biar gw sendiri yg selesaiin
ga usah bawa" org lain
kalo ga suka ya bilang aja
mau marah? bilang langsung
muna lu
bisa ngomong di belakang doang
ga kenal gw ma lu
muak gw

seseorang bilang ma gw katanya dy bakal selalu dateng m gw kalo gw ada masalah.
tapi mana? gw butuh elu
walo gw ga twu masalah gw apa. tapi cerita sama lu bikin gw tenang. jujur.
gw butuh pundak buat nangis tau
nangisin apa sih ren?
ngapain nangis?
cengeng lu ah
ga suka? diem aja
blm pernah gw nyolotin ya?
blm tau aja lu

kalo ga suka ma gw bilang aja.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hey boys see these things!

Girls dream that someday they would meet somebody who would do these things to her.
It sounds simple yet brings out a great impact in their lives!

give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop. No.ACTUALLY Stop Or I'll Hit You! :)

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before

i want a guy

who would move the hair away from my eyes and then kiss me.
hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous.
someone who would sing to me at random moments.
who would let me sleep on their chest.
a boy who would get mad at someone if they called me ugly or was mean to me.
i want someone who call me 3 times a day if he went away
someone who would let me gossip to him and would just smile and agree with everything i said.
He would throw stuffed animals at me when i acted dumb and then kiss me a million times.
someone who would make fun of me just to make me laugh.
he would take me to the park and put his hands around my waist and give me big bear hugs all the time.
He would tell all his friend about me and smile when he did it.
and we'd make out in the pouring rain.
He would never be afraid to say, "I LOVE YOU" in front of his friends
and we'd argue about silly things then make up.
I want a boy than would kiss me at midnight on new years and count stars with me.
who would stay home with me on a friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movie together under the same blanket.
someone who would tell me i'm beautiful but not too often.
who would make me laugh like no one else could.
But mostly i want someone who would be my best friend and would never break my heart.