I really love my dad. He's my super dad and the best dad in the world. @Budi_theo ♥ you
Ucapan syukur atas terkabulnya Novena Tiga Salam Maria. Terima kasih Bapa, Engkau sungguh baik. Saya diterima SIMAK UI 2011 jurusan psikologi. Kekuatan doa benar2 dasyat dan besar kuasanya. Puji Tuhan! Halleluya!
Mujizat sungguh nyata dalam hidupku. Doa novena 3x putaran kepada Bunda Maria akhirnya dikabulkan. Bunda Maria dan Yesus tau apa yg terbaik untukku. Ketika aku berdoa minta yang terbaik, Ia memberikanku 2 universitas terbaik jurusan psikologi, Atma dan UI. Sekarang keduanya telah menjadi milikku, dan aku harus memilih salah satunya. Atma sudah bayar 13jt dan ambil almamater sehari sebelum pengumuman UI. Tp ternyata besoknya aku dpt kabar gembira yg membuatku, org tuaku, tman2ku semua senang yaitu aku diterima di UI. Sungguh bersyukur sekali. Aku ga bimbel. Hanya belajar sendiri dan bersama teman2 sperjuangan.
Aku benar2 belajar untuk bersyukur disini dan tidak mengeluh. Tadinya aku berfikir, sayang banget duit di Atma 13jt. Jerih payah papiku yg kerja dari pagi sampai malam untuk menghidupi kelg ku dan menginvestasikan uangnya pada otakku. Aku bangga padanya, ia benar2 berhasil menjadi seorang papi yg baik dlm hidupku. Terima kasih Tuhan telah memberikan aku papi seperti papiku yg bersih dari rokok dan bertanggungjawab.
Jujur, aku ingin UI. Impian ini muncul ketika memasuki semester 2 dikelas 12. Sebelumnya aku ga tertarik sama sekali. Tp ketika itu, aku uda diterima di Atma. Puji Tuhan aku dapet jalur undangan dari sekolah untuk masuk UI, tp pertama kalinya aku ditolak. Lalu aku ikuti jalur tertulis SNMPTN dan ditolak juga utk yg kedua kalinya. Rasa sakit dan kecewanya masih teringat sampai sekarang. Yg ketiga aku ikut Simak UI dan diterima. Bapa, Engkau sungguh baik. Ini semua karenaMu, Bapa ini anugrahMu, dan ini kupersembahkan untukMu.
Percaya tidak percaya, aku hanya mengerjakan 1 soal matematika entah benar/salah. Ekonomi, sejarah, dan geo aku isi semua tp menggunakan feeling. Dan ips terpadu hanya jawab 9 nomer. Ajaib sekali!
Disatu sisi, aku tidak ingin mengeluh tp disatu sisi aku ingin memikirkan ini kembali.
I really want to cry about 13 million which had been spent by my father. Deeply in my heart I don't want to make him sad and feels like 'waste' or 'lost' his money. In other hand, I can see his sincere smile and big heart. I can feel his happiness through my result of acceptance in UI. I know that this thing is one of many meaningful moments in his life. He hopes me to take it and don't leave it or I'll regret and make other people disappointed.
I've thought about the risk of taking UI. I get a afternoon class schedule, the maximal time will be finish on 6.30pm, but not every day. Fyi, I'll be a commuter. I don't sleep at apartment or any other houses there. My dad says he will find an old driver to take me and drop me everyday. And I really appreciated it. Unfortunately, it cost extremely expensive to take that decision. We negotiate and consider that it will cost around 2,4 million per months. With explanation, 1,2 million for the driver in a month plus 20 thousand per day for his daily food so it costs 600 thousand per month. So far it's 1.8 million, right? Plus gasoline per 1 week costs 135 thousand, multiplied by 4 it means around 500 thousand per month. It's now 2.3 million now plus the cigarette money 100 thousand per months. God, what should I do with this?
I can't stop thinking about this. I know that this isn't my job, it's my parents'. But I can't let my father spend a lot of money like that just for me. I feel pity for myself. But I don't want to see the sadness of my parents' face. If money can buy happiness, how much will you pay? Will you let them gone? I need someone to slap me and make me realize that I should be grateful whatever I got.
Aku memang kurang bersyukur. Sudah dikasi UI tapi malah mikirin biaya yg bejibun. My public commitments are that I won't use driver for the rest of my university life. I'll drive my own car and I'll learn how to drive as soon as possible. I won't ask for additional money. Minimizing buying unimportant stuff such as fashion, clothes, heels, accessories, go to cinemas, etc. I'll be a counter pulsa :D and lend dvds/books. Ya mungkin emang ga seberapa, but I just want to help my parents.
Now, I'm selling books. If you want to order, just let me know. I don't know you, but I heart you........
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