Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Three Simple Goals

I don't want to talk much, now in front of you, my fellow readers. Whoever you are :) I want to show you my short-term simple goal. Just small 3 goals. These are my targets, my public commitment which I'm telling you right now.. Here they are....

1. In order less that 2 months, I have to create my new account on youtube. So the deadline has to be on the middle of September. If it's ready, I'll share the website here.
2. At least I must read 1 book per 1 week. No comics, not including magazines.
3. My parents give me Rp100.000/week. And I'll try to save it minimum 20%. Not wasting it for unimportant stuff. Not anymore.

That's it. Simple, but hard to do.
Wish me luck.

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