Sunday, May 31, 2009


wanita? sangat membingunkan. kenapa saya menjadi wanita ya? katanya wanita selalu dinomorduakan, dibilang lembut, menghanyutkan dan sangat berharga. wanita juga berhak untuk menjadi yang pertama dan tidak direndahkan. saya tidak setuju jika sebuah perusahaan hanya memilih seorang president nya karena ia adalah pria, padahal dalam satu sisi, si wanita lebih banyak perpengalaman dan lebih profesional. sangat mengangumkan sekali jika wanita di indonesia lebih dihargai dan lebih diberi kesempatan seperti pria untuk merasakan hal yang seutuhnya, dan tidak setengah-setengah saja.

wanita berhak untuk berpendidikan tinggi, menjadi orang sukses serta berguna, dan menghasilkan uang. Walau banyak diluar sana wanita yang bekerja dengan tidak halal dan melakukannya sebagai kebutuhan sehari-hari untuk makan, minum, ataupun sebuah kepuasan sesaat saja. Saya senang melihat wanita karir yang jenjangnya sudah tinggi, dan bisa diandalkan bekerja pekerjaan pria. Memang dalam satu sisi kekuatan, pria dan wanita tidak sebanding, tetapi dalam otak dan pikiran, biasanya wanita lebih bisa berpikir jernih, memandang dari segala sisi baik positif dan negativ, dan juga memikirkan segala resiko apa yang akan di dapat dari mengambil keputusan itu.

Jangan memperkerjakan wanita hanya karena kasihan dan karena ia memang benar-benar butuh pekerjaan itu. Tidak baik membiarkan wanita berdiam diri di rumah saja, tidak pernah keluar rumah, tdak tahu ada berita apa di lingkungan, ada kabar apa, dan apa saja yang sudah terjadi. Banyak pria yang melarang istrinya pergi keluar rumah karena beberapa alasan tertentu. Untuk apa sebenarnya wanita ada dirumah? mengurus anak? mencuci baju? nonton tv? tidur? itu-itu saja?

saya mendukunr seorang wanita karir dan seorang ibu rumah tangga. Zaman sekarang sudah maju dan berbeda jauh dari yang dulu. Wanita muda disekitar kita banyak yang sekolah tinggi sekali, hingga ia pintar, ia kuliah sampai keluar negri, mengejar ilmu dan pengetahuan serta cita-citanya sejauh mungkin. Tetapi apa daya jiika suminya melarang ia untuk kerja di kemudian harinya. Bagaimana dengan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang sudah ia kejar itu? Untuk apa ia bayar kuliah yang mahal itu jika ia nantinya akan menjadi ibu rumah tangga saja? Perlukan itu?

Ya mungkin sebagai pengetahuan dan ilmu semata. Asal tahu saja, tetapi, jika begitu, ia bisa dengan hanya membaca buku, koran, internet, karena zaman sudah maju, kuliah pun sekrang banyak dengan cara online. lebih praktis dan bisa dimana saja belajar, kalau mau submit tugas tinggal kirim email saja. Jika ingin mencari ilmu, bisa tanya juga kepada orang yang berpengalaman karena dari situ ia bisa mendapatkan banyak informasi juga kan.

happy woman, happy future :D
Tidak perlu. Buat apa bayar kuliah ratusan juta, ngerjain skripsi dan project" g rumah tangga yng dilarang suaminya kerja karena alasan urus anak dan rumah? Oke katakan bisa bekerja dirumah dan jarang ke kantor.Buat apa juga? Ga kepake kan? masa kuliah cuma buat seneng-seneng aja, buat cari teman dan pengalaman ampe beratus-ratus juta, tapi ga kepake. mending keliling dunia deh :(

yesterday went to mangga dua

i was really tired after i went to mangga dua and artha gading। i bought so many mushroom things :) love that. i bought many dvds. i got allergy. my nose was very gatel and i couldnt handle it. arrived at home i got red on my face and acnes :(

fated to love you :D so funny and interesting

yesterday went to mangga dua

i was really tider after i went to mangga dua and artha gading। i bought so many mushroom things :) love that. i bought many dvds. i गोत अल्लेर्ग्य.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

what a boring blog !

ohhhhhhhh. i just realized that my blog is all about my regularly suck tasks. so sorryyyyy. what a boring blog. i'll tell about something different then to make it more colorful and beautiful. ohya, what makes me happy actually? why i'm always stressed out? omg calm down irene. hha
i want a big smile and laughhhh. please make me to do so????

thursday's over. hi friday~

i finished today. i got bahasa indonesia test 6 pages with 5 numbers of question. (really lebay but the content is nothing). i just finished my bible worksheet (it's soooo many). i did the tok test not really well. i got 7 out of 10. it's not that satisfying. but it's all that i could do. hmm tomorrow i 'll do chemistry test and until now i don't study yet. even my book is in the locker, hehe. i didn't bring it to my home. because actually it's useless. manyyyyyy times occured like that. i brought it heavily and it only stayed at home, without i touched it. haha. so i don't care anymore. i'll just read twice or 3 times from the 2 handouts. it's enough. ohya i got 100 again in humanity second test~ thank you God. kk. i'm happy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wednesday lovely?

i passed this day. yay i got 100 on my huma test. but only one of them already checked. i am waiting for the second one. wkwk. today i had 4 test. art, 2 huma tests and biology :)
i feel a bit calm. i don't know why. thanks God i passed this day happily :D
tomorrow i'll have bi test and tok oral test. i hope tomorrow is as good as today. amen!

Monday, May 25, 2009

hmm welcome tuesday~

sharon's test in penabur for 3 days. tomorrow i'll have double huma test. i finished it terms. i want to watch dvd all the time. too many dvd is waiting to be watched. hihi. ohya i also finished nocturne op 9 no 2. haha. i'll learn a new song again but i didn't find a good one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

what a tiring monday :(

i hate monday. everybody hate monday. but i've done itgs web design (thank you so much A young), i've done physic oral test, and the humanity test chapter 3 has cancelled and it's going to be on Wednesday (so i'll have double test chapter 3 and 4), after this i'll have ToK and math test. OMG. please i can't do math at all. please please please :(
please postpone it to be tomorrow please.Bella doesn't come today. haha ^^.
Min Joo bought her prom dress yesterday @ Mangga 2 with A young. huhu.
i also want to buy. i didn't prepare all for prom. but who knows that i'll be good at prom (haha being coonfident is good rite, but not over) :) :)
hmm..i'm thinking of something else right now.

actually i want to share something here about my sunday 01.00 am. hehe. it's sooooooo hmm (no comment). ridiculous and an experience, because i've never did that before actually. hihi. just want to know and hmm just that :(

it's about me, and radio :D

i finished the math test. the terrible test ever! ohya maybe later if i have time, i'll tell about my story which is about me and radio~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

alone and lonely are different

i feel lonely inside a crowd room while there are 1000 people standing and talking to each other. I feel like i'm nobody's child and i'm lost.
See this picture :
i feel lonely when i go to my rest room, i lock the door, then i sit on the floor, i put my headphone in my ears with any genre of song, i close my eyes, and imagine there's someone besides me. Even sometimes tears come down easily.
See this picture :

i am lying in my bed alone in my room, no one inside my room except me, i'm thinking of someone, i am smiling, i feel happy, a world seems to be mine, and everything i do makes me know how important i am.
See this picture :

i was alone in my house with nobody inside it. I felt like "this house is empty and too big for only 1 person like me". Nothing i could do here. I just wanted to go outside with lots of people. I hate being alone and ignored by others.
See this picture :
can you see the differences between those paragraphs? even you can feel lonely inside the crowd room, and you can feel happy while you're alone. People might not know what your feeling is, but if your feel worse while you are hanging out with groups of people that u are not close with , ask yourself why, and what is the advantages and disadvantages of being lonely in the middle of the crowd. i think, the advantages are: we know that we are not comfortable with them, try to openmind and let yourself to adapt first. It takes time and time will answer.

Monday, May 18, 2009

almost paradise~~~

15 school days left !!

my everyday uniform

i wear it everyday from 6 am until 4 pm. i actually don't have any opinion and don't really pay attention to school uniform. i have 1 style only in my uniform. everyday i wear it like this. I have only 1 kind of my uniform. I wear this 4weeks/24hours ! hahaha. LEBAY :) hmm actually i hope that we have others uniform, because if only one, it is boring to see everyday uniform are all the same :( some say that our uniform is cute. (setyo said) hmm i think. i don't have any comment. hehe

Sunday, May 17, 2009

saturday night..

bella and me has cancelled to go to tebet for shopping. so i continued my sleeping time and at 1 o'clock monic called me and she said she wanted to go my house. then i woke up and took a bath. hihi. monic and me were talking about something important (always) while i still sick. hmm she also knew that he is taken already by someone else. hehe.
i'm happy to have best friend like you, monic :D
thank you for sharing me
all of your problems, and thank you for listening
to mine :)

in te afternoon, my family decided to go to mall kelapa gading for buying a new gadget and iPod for me, yihai. I think it was a good idea, because bella n i had just cancelled our plan to go to tebet. hehe. she's still sick and so do i. but i always have passion to go outside mu house. haha
hmm. i wore this for my weekend :
jeans republic's t-shirt, n.y.l.a's high waist. charles and keith' sandals

so simple right. ahaha :D i have to be aware to my fat body. oh oh oh. ^^ first arrived there, my brother got an iPod touch 8GB and i didn't buy anything. I didn't know why i was not in the mood for things like that. hehe. That's not a big problem for me. I just want to buy something from my own money. The things that we buy are the same, but the satisfaction are different :) haha. aduu my language nih~~ just wait then someday i will buy new things by my own money.

and then my family and i went dinner at the duck king, i ate so much fooooooooood .see, i cleaned all of these plates. but i didn't really like the fried rice. because it had no taste, or because of my stuck nose? so that i couldn't taste any food? hmm

ohya, plese pay attention to this!

what a superrrrrrrrrrrrr cute mushroommmmmmmmm. i was imagine that how can a super mario bros muchroom that i love, become this stuff that i ate. haaahaha

after that i let my stomach get bigger by :

sour sally. haha. i ate the pink one and my brother ate the plain one. wkwkw. i;m sure now i am making you guys ngiler by looking at those photos of delicious tasty yummy food and yogurt:) =0.. hmmmmm nyam nyam nyam

and then i went around the mall to go home and passed the gosh shop. and i got something there : a pair of sandal :_)
byebyebye mkg :) :) i had a really fun sat nite.

Friday, May 15, 2009

God opens ways :)

i am a girl who lazy to pray, lazy to read bible, lazy to go to the church, lazy to give thanks to God, and lazy to do everything to pleased God. But i can feel n know that God always helps me all the time, i know that every single time, God works in my life. He doesn't stop taking care of me. I believe that God is truth. I will try to speak up to You, and worship You more. God, i really need Your help this time, and i am sure that You won't stay quiet and see my pain.
I am such a fool. I don't want to forget You, God. Please make me stay closer to You.
God, please don't go..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

give me time to breath, please?

i have so many project and homework tomorrow. Even i didn't touch it until now. It sucks! Actually i have dizzy, flu, and fever right now. It happends at the same time. OMG. Everytime i get up, i always remember my homework. I want to practice my piano and play it regularly, but i can't.
It takes hours to do my workSHIT. I just need to resting. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I am sick of this. Math quiz, i don't understand. chemistry quiz about alcohol, i don't understand either, bahasa indonesia ppt, i don't work on it yet. English senteces structure, very many, and bible hw which is very hard. I have to do all of this, with my sickness accompanying me.
God, i believe i can do this. I believe means, i neither know, and i don't know.
but i will survive.
i can do it!!

This is my picture while i get sick. ad have no energy. but still have 5 minutes to take picture.

i need you beside me when i'm sick, holding my freeze hands, comfort me with your hug, and never let me go.. byebye love :(

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

this is really confusing

actually i really appreciate to my father, because tomorrow he won't go to his office just want to make sure that i get a new school for next academic year. But, besides that, i personally don't know what will happend next if the school will reject me? What if i fail by the test? What if they don't want to accept any new students there? What if these kind of things happend?
I don't have any second plan to do so, but i doubt my parent' second choice. They offered me to test and go to school whis is further than my school right now.
And the school finish at 4. So i will arrive at home approximately at 5.30 maybe? because at regularly schedule, it's the time for workers to go home also.
It will full of traffic jam and, wasting of time actually.
I can't stand this situation anymore. It hurts me. I just want to enjoy my life and make it easier. I totally miss my smile. I don't get it right now. I don't know why. I don't want to tell others about this plan, because i just want to leave quietly without any information about me.

God please show me the right way, plase help me to face this problem. In the name of Jesus, i give all of my pain and problem to You. Thanks God, praise and honor to You. Amen!

To be continued..

Monday, May 11, 2009


i don't want this to be my next academic year :(

help help help!

please ?

if you have any problem, please tell me.
i will listen to your problem slowly, and step by step.
i will let you to share all the things you want to share with me.
and i will be very happy if you trust me to help your problem.
and my life will be more useful than before, because my life is to served others.
i love to help people.
thank you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


dan hanyalah dirimu, yang mampu memahamiku, yang dapat mengerti aku.
ternyata dirinyalah, yang sanggup menyanjungmu, yang ramah menyentuhmu,
bukanlah diriku.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


omg. today is such a hmm. how to describe? i don't know. shocking? happy? sad? surprise? i guess i can't describe today.
firstly i want to say happy birthdat 16th to Maria Brigita Sutanto and to Monica Winata.
they are both my friends. hehe. wish you all the best, girls.
i went to church with Wika today and we saw each other for the first time. hehe.
at the church, she told me about him, and i told her about a boy who she had a crush on.
after i went to the church, i opened facebook.
it displayed about his status and..hmm in relationship. hehe
i was.. hmm nothing to said.
too much thought. but i had to be happy, because to love someone is to make him happy, rite?
or in indonesia, we called, "munafik" in my dictionary.
i HAVE TO stop thinking about him.
stars from now, i can't still in touch with him
because if i do so, i can't forget him.
he is too good to be true.
is there still in my mind about, "can't wait to see you?"
hmm yes maybe, but YOU'RE MY FRIEND
thank you for all you've done.
sorry, blame it on me.
I think of him all day long, even though I know it's wrong.

byebye mr.ius
have a good future :)
and big THANK YOU for coloring my day

Thursday, May 7, 2009

u -- i'm sorry

i have a love in my hear
love? isn't it? who is he?
yet be certain
always thinking of you

i'm sorry

love cannot be choosen by eyes
i just enjoy this wonderful feeling
he who fill this boring routinity of life
this flat life
to be more colorful

i'm sorry

although i never meet him before
i love this condition
with him,
i can keep this love feeling secretely
a feel that i never felt before
even though.. just to imagine his face.. i cannot

i'm sorry

ku tak ingin menyalahkan diriku sendiri
bukan maksudku salah paham
bukan maksudku salah mengerti maksudmu
ku mengenalmu
walau tak sebaik org lain

i'm sorry

but you are..
maaf aku lancang sukai mu
tapi kamu bisa mengerti aku
aku tak memaksakan dirimu.
ku takut sebentar ia akan pergi
tapi,, bahkan ku tak penting.
biarkanlah ia menggapai mimpi.

i'm sorry

i'm not kind, i'm not perfect either
even, i don't know why i like you?
i can't imagine your face
thousand times i ask about you to others
but i didn't get the answer.
still questioning in my mind
why i love you?

i'm sorry

just ask my heart
you enter my heart without knock it first
yet receive the permission, you enter my heart
and you don't want to get out for a long time
when will you get out in my heart?
i afraid

seperti apa rupamu?
aku bukan GR karena perlakuan mu terhadapku
aku bukan sempurna di mata siapa-siapa
aku bukan org yg bisa tahan sakit hati

I'm sorry

aku ini knapa sebenarnya?
menolak semua cinta yg ada di depan mata
ingin ku buat kamu senang
adakah selama ini aku cinta sendiri?
akhirnya ku temukan seorang yang membuat hari ku indah
yaitu kamu.
mencintaimu membuatku bahagia.
walau cinta tak menjami kebahagiaan sama sekali.
dengan hadirnya kamu, aku merasa..
aku ada..

maafkan aku

aku suka kamu..
apa aku cinta pada bayangan?
ku takut cinta ku ini bukan cinta biasa
siapapun kamu..
bagaimanapun rupamu..
jgn pernah sakiti aku.
kamu boleh tinggalkan ku,
pergilah sekarang.
tapi aku suka kamu, aku butuh kamu ada di dekat aku,
aku memang bodoh
aku akan berusaha untuk tidak mencintaimu lagi
aku tahu,
salah jatuh cinta.

maafkan aku,